Most internet marketing specialists say that, in order for a blog to succeed, bloggers only need to publish unique and informative content. However, there are other elements that people can include in their blogs in order to increase their readership and, consequently, increase their potential to make money out of it. These include images, RSS feeds, and contextual links.
Images for Enhanced Visitor Experience and Blog SEO
All internet users are attracted to graphical representations of what they are reading. This is why it is important to use photographs and graphics when engaged in blogging. Bloggers can use them to demonstrate what they are trying to explain in their posts or simply to brighten up their content. The point is to make their blog more attractive to enhance their visitors' experiences. Bloggers should just be sure that they don't overdo it; it's important to avoid a situation where the images overpower their posts.
Using photographs and graphics in blogs also enhance search engine optimization efforts. Such images provide bloggers additional opportunities to make use of pertinent keywords. Opportunities include adding such keywords and search terms in the image URL, title, and caption.
RSS Feeds to Gain Loyal Blog Followers and Continuously Fresh Blog Content
Serious bloggers should ensure that their blogs feature an RSS feed and they can encourage visitors to subscribe to their feed. By doing this, subscribers will be prompted to visit a blog each time the blogger publishes a new post. RSS feeds can be very effective in trying to gain loyal readership for a site's content, so bloggers should make good use of them.
Bloggers can also use RSS feeds from related websites. They can publish those feeds in portions of their blogs so that their visitors will have more content to read through and engage with. Bloggers should just keep in mind that such feeds link to other sites to they should make sure that they are not as prominent on their blogs as their own content.
Contextual Links to Promote Additional Revenue Streams
Bloggers who take part in affiliate marketing programs and other activities for additional revenue streams should use their blogs as online promotional assets not by placing banner advertisements and publishing promotional posts but by using contextual links properly. They should keep in mind that they should not make their visitors feel as if their blogs are all about sales pitches. By using contextual links, blog readers and loyal followers should not feel as if they're constantly bombarded by promotion and sales attempts.
Contextual links should be used to promote affiliate products and other sources of revenue only when the products or programs are actually relevant to the blog's theme. They should be utilized only when the specific blog content is actually related to the products, programs or services being promoted. If not, readers will feel as if they're being deceived and it's unlikely they'll return to the blog.
By making use of the three important elements detailed above, bloggers can be sure to gain a loyal following and make money online through their blogging efforts.