There are various ways to earn passive income on the net and among these is to make blog. Blogging is now accepted as one of the best ways to earn online. In fact, most of the people who are successfully making a living online are bloggers.
How to make to make your blog a cash vacuum
1. Target a popular niche
Although, it is good to write about various things in general, the problem is that you will rarely earn with this method. The right way to do things and earn passive income is to make blog about a specific and popular niche. This way, your visitors won't be confused on what you are really offering. Also, you will receive target traffic that is interested in your products or your articles instead of people who will just pass through.
2. Write reader worthy posts
People are hungry for knowledge. If you can satisfy this, then you will earn money. That's all there is to it. Now the challenge for you is to create posts that will enlighten and answer the problems of your visitors. The thing is, even if you make blog that is related to what people are looking for, if you have nonsense articles, then people will just browse and leave. This means that you will lose to opportunity to convert these people into customers.
3. Reply to comments
When you post an article on your blog, people will make comments. Now to make people feel that you aren't just another marketer after their money, you should make a connection with them. Make them feel that you are just a person expressing your opinion or review about something that you like.
4. Use articles and links
Another thing that you can try is to submit articles to article directories. But, don't forget to add your blog links. This way, when people like what you posted, they can visit your blog and read more of your works. If done correctly, this can be a valuable source of passive income.