EyeEarn Logo EyeEarn is a program co-op advertising from SFI. Co-op advertising is a popular method of advertising and effective advertising, in which two or more people share in the burden of advertising menangung and enjoy together the results obtained. If the Indonesian language may "Ngiklan joint venture", hee3x ... This means that the team can gather money together and then divided the results obtained in accordance with the part. The basic concept of EyeEarn is that you become personal advertising network of SFI, and will be paid just by doing everyday activities, such as driving, walking, wearing a T-shirt, or even when you're drinking coffee. So when you're seen by others, you will be paid. To join the EyeEarn quite easily. Only by purchasing the EyeEarn Starter Kit for $ 20. Starter Kit contains three EyeEarn banners for your car, a bumper sticker, EyeEarn T-shirt, 100 EyeEarn X-Cards, and 20 EyeEarn mini-stickers (plus complete explanations and guidance to launch this program). Suffice it to verify (send photos) to SFI that you have your car stick with EyeEarn banner, and you will begin receiving part (share) of the EyeEarn advertising network in the world. EyeEarn network is one of the co-op advertising worldwide. Thousands of people have participated in this program. And expected numbers will reach millions. So if you join, you will benefit not only of yourself but also from businesses every person in the whole world in this network. After making an account activation, you will begin to receive two valuable benefits: * customers. TripleClicks is one of the new destination online stores on the internet. In return has introduced TripleClicks (via EyeEarn), you will be rewarded as a referrer if you drive new customers to buy products at TripleClicks. For this, you will get 20% to 72% Customer Commission of the purchases made by customers you refer. * "EyeEarners". EyeEarners are people who join the EyeEarn program. As EyeEarners, you will you will be respected as a sponsor of the EyeEarners you recruit. For this, you will get Affiliate overrides to 40% of all purchases made by your sponsor EyeEarners. And you also had the opportunity to get some different revenue streams. For more details please refer to the SFI compensation pages. All the above benefits not only come from individual advertising conducted by the member EyeEarn, but still there are three other ways that will generate thousands of members every week, namely: * Effective promotion of and * All members of the program flow to EyeEarn Clickbucks * SFI also install a variety of banners on other websites, and also advertising on radio and TV that will increase the number of membership As an active member of EyeEarn, you'll get the part (share) of all the membership each month. How to calculate the (share) you will get from this EyeEarn. Examples like this: membership resulting from the EyeEarn co-op in this month is 100,000 people. And in the same month there are 10,000 people active EyeEarn members. So part (share) which will get every active member of EyeEarn is 10. Click here for free registration

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